Adult Seborrheic Eczema

Adult seborrheic eczema is most common in middle aged men and women. The most common occurrence is on the scalp but it can appear on the face, neck and ears or any other place. The common symptom is inflammation of the skin with areas of redden skin with flakes. It is commonly accompanied by Also some areas can have oily yellow tint scale patches on any part of the body but most often found on the scalp. It is thought that the yeast pityrosporum ovale largely causes this condition. If the condition becomes infected, treatment with an anti-fungal cream may be necessary. We are all familiar with Dandruff Dandruff is non-inflamed version of seborrheic dermatitis.

The symptoms that characterize adult seborrheic eczema include skin lesions, a greasy or oily appearance to the affected areas of skin, scaling as the skin begins to flake, white and flaking or yellowish, oily, and adherent "dandruff", plaques which may include the scalp, eyebrows, nose, forehead, or ears , itching; may become more itchy if infected , mild redness and hair loss may also be present. It is thought that the yeast pityrosporum ovale largely causes this condition. If the condition becomes infected, treatment with an anti-fungal cream may be necessary.

Seborrheic eczema risk of development depends on emotional stress, diet, alcohol, smoking and as you noticed general lifestyles. Also included in lifestyles are hygiene and a lack of shampooing the hair and especially the scalp. Some people think seborrheic eczema can be related to family stess.Whether this is actually a genetic disposition or a case of like or similar habits perpetuating the condition is debatable. Seborrheic eczema generally occurs after puberty leading to a possible connection to hormones. Seborrheic eczema can range from mild to severe and last for many years. There are some theories that having seborrheic eczema may predispose one to scalp psoriasis.

However, it is important to note that the plaques of 'scalp psoriasis' is very similar to that of eczema dandruff except that more difficult to solve. Scalp psoriasis is more severe with even thicker larger scales with even a redder tone denoting an inflammation.

Eczema-Ltd III can improve the appearance of Seborrheic Eczema and soothe the itchy feeling of Seborrheic Eczema.